Hello Students!
Welcome to a new semester and to Art 188! I know this term is going to be a bit strange with taking classes online. I will greatly miss projecting artworks at a large scale and seeing all of your faces in our big lecture hall, but we’re going to make this a fantastic semester. We will meet twice weekly on Zoom (link on Canvas), and all of your assigned readings are right here on this website. There will be opportunity to ask questions, interact with your peers, and learn together in this online environment, while we all stay safe and healthy in the midst of the pandemic.
I look forward to meeting you all, and remember, if Bob Ross can teach millions of people to paint over public television, I’m sure we can learn about some of the most famous works of art and obtain some of the basic skills of art historical analysis over the internet 🙂 I look forward to many “happy little accidents” with all of you.
Dr. Dell’Aria

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