I’ve made a Spotify playlist of the music I play before each lecture. I will be adding to this throughout the term. Enjoy!
Great piece on how the sculpture of ancient Greece and Rome was actually originally colorfully painted, not the gleaming white marble emulated by later Renaissance and Neoclassical artists.
If you’re wanting to bring some culture into spooky season, check out these creative art history-themed costumes! There will be a costume contest at the AAHA Halloween Party on Monday – all are invited!
I’m going to be catching up a bit on some of the questions that have been asked in lecture on here. A few weeks ago, someone pointed out the strange folded paper that Velázquez painted in the bottom right of… Continue Reading →
The question in class yesterday about the symbolism behind the candles in the Annunciation Triptych (Merode Altarpiece) sent me down a bit of a rabbit hole, and two journal articles linked below demonstrate how scholars attempt to uncover meaning in… Continue Reading →
I hope you all enjoyed our first lecture yesterday, and I’m looking forward to getting to know you and joining you on this journey through over 700 years of art history. I will periodically use this blog for relevant links,… Continue Reading →
One of my favorite scenes from the British science-fiction series Doctor Who is this one where the series’ main characters–both time travelers–bring Van Gogh to an exhibition of his work at the Musée d’Orsay in Paris. In the scene, an… Continue Reading →
The Metropolitan Museum in New York put together this wonderful resource of Indigenous perspectives on objects from the American Wing, including the Bierstadt painting we looked at in class on Thursday. This is an important way to layer our perspectives… Continue Reading →
Here is the documentary I mentioned in class yesterday. It’s from the BBC’s Renaissance Revolution series. Enjoy!
As promised, I have some more information on the curious “red turban” seen in Jan Van Eyck’s portrait we studied on Tuesday. Called a chaperon, what we see in this painting is essentially a shoulder cape with a hood that… Continue Reading →
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